Psilocybin Assisted Therapy Association Presents the Collaborence in Downtown Portland | In Person & Online, Addressing the Mental Health Crisis

From our sponsors:
Psilocybin Assisted Therapy Association Presents
The Collaborence: Educate, Empower, Collaborate

May 18, 2024
9AM-5PM | $25-$75 | All Ages
More info:

University Place Hotel & Conference
310 SW Lincoln St, Portland, OR 97201

The Psilocybin Assisted Therapy Association (PATA), a volunteer-led national 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, is honored to announce our first conference, the Collaborence, focused on how to address the mental health crisis using psilocybin, a naturally occurring substance (also known as magic mushrooms), and psilocybin-assisted therapy by encouraging all involved to collaborate for the best interest of the seeker (public). The Collaborence is a one-day event consisting of panel discussions centered on identifying solutions to addressing the mental health crisis in Oregon and beyond.

Whether you are a community member looking to learn more about options for using psilocybin, someone looking to use psilocybin for a mental health need, a licensed professional, a professional involved in administration, or licensed through Oregon Psilocybin Services (OPS), we want you to attend!

We encourage a solution-focused approach for those seeking equal psilocybin education and access for all. We will discuss navigating the complex legality of psilocybin use, both in Oregon and beyond, and differing approaches toward legality. Attendees will learn about ethics, harm-reduction and safety, and what these things mean when it comes to psilocybin.

At its core, the Collaborence is about collaboration and identifying how all parties and perspectives in this arena can work together to help the SEEKER – the individual person. Each with their unique circumstances and challenges, who wants to use psilocybin not just for recreation but for healing.

Register today and join us in learning from each other on how we can better serve our community and address the mental health crisis.



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